
I have a web page containing a login form which loads via HTTP, but it submits the data via HTTPS.

I'm using python-mechanize to log into this site, but it seems that the data is submitted via HTTP.

My code is looks like this:

import mechanize
b = mechanize.Browser()'')
form = b.forms().next()  # the login form is unnamed...
print form.action        # prints ""
form['user'] = "guest"
form['pass'] = "guest"
b.form = form

When the form is submitted, the connection is made via HTTP and contains something like:

send: 'POST HTTP/1.1\r\nAccept-Encoding: identity\r\nContent-Length: 180\r\nHost:\r\nContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n\r\n'...

Can anyone confirm this and eventually post a solution so that the form is submitted via HTTPS?

Later edit:

1) I'm using a HTTP proxy for http/https traffic (set in the environment - Linux machine)
2) I've watched the traffic with Wireshark and I can confirm that the traffic is sent via normal HTTP (I can see the content of the POST and mechanize doesn't send the same requests to the proxy as a webbrowser - the latter sends CONNECT, while mechanize only POSTs However, I don't know what happens to the data as it leaves the proxy; perhaps it establishes a ssl connection to the target site?


mechanize uses urllib2 internally and the later had a bug: HTTPS over (Squid) Proxy fails. The bug is fixed in Python 2.6.3, so updating Python should solve your problem.

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