
I have a SecCertificateRef representing an X.509 certificate. Does Cocoa Touch have any libraries for working with the contents of the certificate (I couldn't find any), or will I need to parse the DER representation of the certificate myself? Parsing is not a problem, however I'd prefer to save some time if I overlooked some functionality? Or perhaps you can recommend any good third party libraries?

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You should look into openssl - a quick google search for "openssl with cocoa" shows pretty good results, you should be able to integrate fairly easily.


There is no API in cocoa touch layer to process the certificate. APIs to process certificates are in core service layer. plz check in for Certificate, Key, and Trust Services APIs

The (brilliant) cocoaasyncsocket project includes an X509Certificate class that does all the hard work for you and returns a nice NSDictionary. I highly recommend it.

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