
I'm writing a Silverlight application that is showing a pie chart of completed items as an item in a DataGrid. I currently can get the graph to show as an item in the DataGrid using a DataGridTemplateColumn.

My problem is the grid blows out the height of the data row because it has a title and a legend and a lot of allocated whitespace around it. I JUST want to show the pie chart only, with no extra padding or information.

I have found a few convoluted styling ways to do this but they seem to throw syntax errors (perhaps they are Silverlight 2.0 solutions?)

Does anyone have a working way of doing this in Silverlight 3.0?

thanks in advance!

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The Chart can be styled extensively, if you want to have a super-frugal chart which basically only has a ChartArea and thats all then you can supply a minimal template for it:-

        <Style TargetType="charting:Chart">
            <Setter Property="Template">
                    <ControlTemplate TargetType="charting:Chart">
                        <chartingprimitives:EdgePanel x:Name="ChartArea" />
    <charting:PieSeries ItemsSource="{Binding}" IndependentValuePath="Value" DependentValuePath="ID" />

Note I'm using the Nov09 Silverlight 3 tool kit. The above contains just the PieChart no borders, padding, title, legend, gradient background or anything but the raw chart itself.


Try adding a negative margin to the Pie chart. This will cause the chart to be placed lower in the grid and crop the (invisible) title.

Margin = "-10,-10,-10,-10"
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