
I've got an array of values I want to update my model with.

Doctrine_Access provides a function setArray which is nearly exactly what I need - except it cares about values that don't have fields in the model. I want those to be ignored.

A little example. Say we have a User table with the field username.

$user = new User();

That would work!

$user = new User();

That doesn't. I want Doctrine to just ignore anotherKey, if there is no related field. The intention is, that I don't want to filter my arrays before I update my model.

What is the cleanest and easiest way to get this done?

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Doctrine_Record::fromArray() solves it. Unfortunately it doesn't return the object, so it's useless for method chaining...


this is useful

add find method to model:

class Address extends Doctrine_Record {

    public static function factory() {
        return new Address();

public function findById($id) {
       $findObject = Doctrine::getTable('Address')->findOneByid($id);
       return $findObject;

and use it

  $address = Address::factory()
        ->findById(13)->set('name', 'new data')->set('anotherfield','another data')->save();
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